Wednesday, December 31, 2008

We're Not Dabbling

"Advertising agencies have dabbled in side businesses for decades, but “inventing their own brand, not dependent on clients’ largess, is the big new thing,” said George Parker, an ad agency consultant and writer of AdScam, a blog about the industry."

When we at RED Direct undertook the project to build, the first Website dedicated to the sustainability movement and highlighting the voices of sustainability, we weren't thinking about a side business.

We were thinking about being part of a real transformation and making innovation our main business. Advertising and direct marketing, what we used to do, don't work for us anymore. We think there are clients out there who agree with us and are looking for help to put sustainability strategies at the heart or core of their business. And, coming from advertising and direct marketing, it seems clear to us that sustainability strategies will drive major innovations within marketing.

CFO Dave Burritt of Caterpillar, Inc. calls out the first "broad implication" of sustainability strategies as reputation - consumers demand responsibility.

It is at the intersection of sustainability strategies, thought leadership and relationship marketing, Web 2.0 technologies where innovation blossoms and we know so. is at the center of this intersection as a platform for thought leadership, built on Web 2.0 technology, and, in the next phase, a robust network of sustainability advocates, the relationship marketing model adapted to the digital world.

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