Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Talk Than Walk

From the Think Ecological report, "IT Sustainability Imperatives in Internet and eCommerce Business," Jan 2009, some key findings:

"Yet they’re mostly talk and little walk: conducting senior level discussion (37 percent),
publishing CSR guidelines (32 percent), and doing nothing (31 percent) topped the
list of what executives are doing to push the ecological mantra.

Top environmental sustainability challenges included low of awareness of business
benefits (53 percent), fears of compromised productivity (52 percent) and perceived
costs to build in efficiencies (50 percent).

There is no consistent owner, if any, of a corporate sustainability agenda in the
organization. More than 43 percent don’t have one or don’t know if they do.

Nearly 60 percent want more material and events to help them improve
Eco-Logical thinking."

There is opportunity here for building awareness, education, and consulting with executives on the benefits of sustainability as a business strategy. And the CMO should be the one leading the conversation and resulting action plans.

"The bottom line at Pitney Bowes reflects tangible benefits...Sustainability furnishes a starting point for connecting with existing and potential customers."
-Michael Monahan, CFO, Pitney Bowes.
Download a copy of the report "IT Sustainability."

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